If you can not resolve it even if I read the above, please contact us from the inquiry form below.
What is 真・八重流 ID?
It is a necessary ID for using our site.
Available for free to everyone.
Please see About my account for details.
If you can not resolve it even if I read the above, please contact us from the inquiry form below.
The registration confirmation email did not arrive
You cannot register an account if the registration confirmation email does not arrive.
If you did not receive the registration confirmation email, please try the following and resend the email via Resend confirmation email.
If you can not resolve it even if I read the above, please contact us from the inquiry form below.
「My Page(マイページ)」に表示される継続手続きボタンからお手続きを行ってください。
例)会員有効期限:12月31日 → 12月1日より継続のお手続きができます。
※会員有効期限月は、My Page(マイページ)でご確認いただけます。
If you can not resolve it even if I read the above, please contact us from the inquiry form below.