Wagakki Band Official Website as well as Annual Payment based Fan Club【SHIN YAERYU PREMIUM】has been launched!
Wagakki Band Official Website has been launched!
We will give you various information about Wagakki Band through this site.
On the same time, we also have launched Annual Payment based Fan Club【SHIN YAERYU PREMIUM】.
【SHIN YAERYU PREMIUM】membership offered services that will emphasize on [MONO (products)] and [KOTO (experiences)].
We will deliver membership card, bulletin, etc for those who has joined the membership.
We will deliver membership card with special design that you will not get it elsewhere only for those who has joined「SHIN YAERYU PREMIUM」in July.
(For those who join our membership from August or later, will get the standard version of the membership card. Delivery date of the membership card will start from end of August, in sequential order).
Other than that, member will receive special previlege such as; the earliest pre-sales ticket, mail magazine, special goods that are limited for member only.
We also planning to launch Monthly Payment based Fan Club【SHIN YAERYU LITE】in August.
This version of membership offered services that will emphasize on digital contents on the web.
We will announce it later on about this membership on the site. So please wait for it.
※「SHIN YAERYU PREMIUM」→ For details & member sign up click here!